What FitAll Does
FitAll is a general-purpose, nonlinear regression analysis (curve fitting) program that can be used to fit a set of experimental data to any of the defined functions (models).

FitAll fits data to continuous, single-valued functions with the general form:

Yi = f (Xij, Kj, Pj)
and implicit functions with the general form:
Yi = f (Yi, Xij, Kj, Pj),
in which:
Yi is the dependent variable (measured value of the function for the ith data point).
Xij is the set of j independent variables for the ith data point.
Kk is a set of k constants that can be modified at runtime.
Pp is the set of p parameters that are evaluated.
Linear Least Squares (lls): minimizes the sum of the squares of the deviations between the observed and calculated values of a function that is linear in its parameters.
Nonlinear Least Squares (nls): minimizes the sum of the squares of the deviations between the observed and calculated values.
Nonlinear Least Absolute Deviations (nlad): minimizes the absolute deviations between the observed and calculated values.
Three different regression analysis methods can be used to obtain the best fit:
The regression analysis can be weighted using four different weighting schemes.

The data can be smoothed using the Boxcar and Fast Fourier Transform methods.

FitAll reports the standard deviation of the overall fit as well as that of each of the resolved parameters.

All results and reports can be printed, saved to a file, copied to the clipboard or transferred to a MS Word or LibreOffice Writer.
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