FitAll Update and Upgrade Details
This document applies to the Personal and Research Editions of FitAll  and provides details of the changes and enhancements that are included in each of its updates.

The updates are not always cummulative. This means that it may be necessary for you to "Check for Updates" more than once in order to update your copy of FitAll to the most recent version.

FitAll v9 Initial Release
Release Date: 2016-01-15

The following enhancements are included in this new release of FitAll:
FitAll v8 Update 02
Release Date: 2015-04-28
Updates FitAll to version

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
FitAll v8 Update 01
Release Date: 2014-10-05
Updates FitAll to version

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
FitAll v9 Update 01
Release Date: 2016-08-31
Updates FitAll to version

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
FitAll v8 Update 03
Release Date: 2015-05-06
Updates FitAll to version

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
The most noticeable change is that the main user interface is of the "tabbed notebook" type rather than the previous "multi-document" type.

This makes it easier to see which windows are open and to switch between them. The tabs may, optionally, include a small icon (graphic) that indicates whether the tab contains text or a graph.
Switching the X- (bottom) and Y- (left) axes has been improved to ensure that the axis captions are properly switched.
All of the Solar Cell functions have been extended so that they can be directly used to analyze IV data obtained from "cell-strings" and "modules" as well as from "single cells".

Previously, for a cell-string with the solar cells connected in series, it was necessary to divide the measured voltage values by the number of cells. Now, an adjustable constant, Ns, can be set to the number of cells that are connected in series and the unmodified data can be directly analyzed.

A similar situation also applies to modules, module-strings and PV Systems.
Several new functions, including but not limited to GammaP, GammaQ, IsInfinite, IsNAN, IsZero, Sinh, Cosh, Tanh, have been added to the FitAll API. This makes it easier for programmers, who are adding their own functions to FitAll Research Edition, to more easily add more complicated functions of their own.
FitAll now makes more efficient use of the computer's memory.
MS Windows 8 is now supported.
MS Windows 2000 support has been discontinued.
FitAll v8 Initial Release
Release Date: 2013-12-01

The following enhancements are included in this new release of FitAll:
FitAll v9 Update 02
Release Date: 2016-11-15
Updates FitAll to version

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
FitAll v9 Update 03
Release Date: 2017-04-15
Updates FitAll to version

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
Added a Help menu item that connects to the on-line FitAll Forums.
Added a Help menu item that provides a way for User Defined Function help documents to be viewed when using FitAll.
Under some conditions when moving the properties dialog the underlying window was not correctly displayed. This issue only occurred on Windows x64 systems.
Under some conditions when closing the propeties dialog for a graph window an access violation error would occur.
NEW: Reports can now be sent to LibreOffice, which is the successor to, as  well as OpenOffice and MS Word.
DISCONTINUED: The ability to send reports to MS Excel has been discontinued.
Note: Tables and graphs can still be copied from FitAll and pasted into MS Excel.
Takes advantage of some of the new features introduced in MS Windows 8.1 and 10.

The most noticeable change is that FitAll now will automatically adjust the font and image sizes when it is run on a computer with a high resolution monitor or its main window is moved to a monitor that has a different resolution.

Has new API functions to determine the roots of 2nd  to 7th -order polynomials.
Has more than two dozen new functions in the FitAll Chemistry Functions Library that can be used to determine the concentration, and acid dissociation constants, pKa's, of weak monoprotic, diprotic and triprotic acids as well as mixtures of monoprotic acids when titrated with a strong base. All of the solutions may or may not contain a strong acid, the concentration of which also can determined.
Support for MS Windows XP has been discontinued.
Under some circumstances the "Check For Updates" feature reported that FitAll was up to date when there was actually an update available.
This has been fixed.
FitAll v9 Update 04
Release Date: 2017-04-24
Updates FitAll to version

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
FitAll v9 Update 05
Release Date: 2019-02-15
Updates FitAll to version

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
The "Edit > generate data set ..." menu option has been modified so that it can generate a standard error associated with the calculated Y-values that is based on the parameter standard deviations from the last fit / data analysis.
A new (Light) Solar Cell function (ftn 0509) has been added to the Research Edition of FitAll.
FitAll v9 Update 06
Release Date: 2019-06-15
Updates FitAll to version

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
Adds "Growth" functions to the Binding & Growth Functions Library that is included with FitAll Research Edition.
The Chapman-Richards, Grompertz, Logistic, Richards and Weibull functions have been used in biological systems to characterize the growth of such things as cell colonies, birds, fish, trees and tumors and in management or economic systems to characterize the growth of sales.
Power and IntPower functions have been added to the FitAll API.
All custom User Defined Function libraries will have to be re-compiled as a result of this change.
FitAll v9 Update 07
Release Date: 2020-08-09
Updates FitAll to version

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
A previous update broke the "Edit > Generate Multi-Fit Configs..." function.
This has been fixed.
FitAll v10 Initial Release
Release Date: 2020-11-15

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
NEW: A Scripted Functions feature has been added.
This makes is possible for you to add up to 100 functions to FitAll by filling out a simple form.

The advantages are:
(i) You can quickly add single-line custom function expressions to FitAll without the need for a compiler.
(ii) Each function can contain one independent variable, X, and up to ten (10) parameters, P.

The disadvantages are:
(i) FitAll will not be able to automatically determine the initial estimates that are required when analyzing nonlinear functions.
(ii) The analysis speed will be slower than if the function had been compiled into a FitAll function library.
NEW: Almost all forms and dialogs now use the font that is set via the "Options > Change Font" menu selection.
This makes it easier to read the text on small, high resolution monitors.
IMPROVED: Most dialogs and forms have been modified to make them easier to read.
CHANGED: FitAll Function Libraries can be modified and compiled using the Lazarus / Free Pascal Compiler, which is a free, open source Object Pascal compiler.
Support for the Delphi compiler was discontinued because most users found it to be too costly.
DISCONTINUED: Support for MS Windows Vista and earlier which are no longer supported by Microsoft.
DISCONTINUED: Support for ActiveX / COM Automation.
FitAll can no longer act as an automation server and be controlled by other programs using ActiveX / COM automation.
(This was done because no current FitAll users are using or even contemplating using this feature.)
FitAll v10 Update 01
Release Date: 2022-01-15
Updates FitAll to version 10.0.2

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
Fixed: On the Edit Scripted Functions dialog the drop down list of elements that can be added to a function definition was not visible.
Fixed: The Help documentation did not correctly identify all of the elements that can be added to a scripted function's definition.
Improved the Help for the new titration functions in the Chemistry Function Library.
Added functions that calculate the roots of 8th- to 10th-order polynomials to the FitAll API.
Updated the Programmer's Guide.
Fixed several minor visual effects, such as the wrong image appearing on a tab.
Fixed: In some cases on MS Windows XP the screen flashed when FitAll created a new window, such as the data window.
Fixed:  In the Preferences dialog clicking the mouse between the OK and Cancel buttons acted as if the OK button had been clicked.
All dialog boxed have be redesigned so that they can be resized. Previously, depending on MS Windows' system settings, the contents of some of the dialog boxes would extend beyond their boundaries and were not completely visible. Now, the dialog boxes can be resized so that all of their contents are visible.
Fixed: In some cases Context Sensitive Help, F1 Help, was not displaying the most appropriate help page.
Fixed: In some very unusual circumstances one or more of FitAll's configuration files could be corrupted.
Fixed: When resizing the display and a graph was being displayed the graph would not be properly redrawn. The work-around of closing the tab containing the graph and then re-opening the graph window is no longer necessary.
FitAll v10 Update 02
Release Date: 2022-07-15
Updates FitAll to version 10.0.3

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
Fixed: Importing delimited text files didn't assign zero to missing data values.
Fixed: Saveas (to rename a data file) didn't update the main form's caption.
Fixed: When modifying data the data form's display was not always updated.
Fixed: Pasting rows of data didn't always work properly.
Fixed: SelectAll and UnSelectAll in the data form didn't work under all conditions.
Fixed: The Display All Data In Fit Graphs could not be changed in "Options > Preferences > Genneral".
NEW: Added two new functions (0508 & 0528) to the Solar Cell Function Library.
FitAll v10 Update 03
Release Date: 2023-11-15
Updates FitAll to version 10.0.4

Implements the following changes and enhancements:
Fixed: When dragging columns in the data window the first and last columns were switched.
Now the dragged column is inserted at its new position and the other columns are moved to make space for the moved column.
Fixed: When rearranging data columns in the data window the number formats where not always properly adjusted.
Fixed: Under some conditions changes to the data were not reflected in the contents of other windows.
Fixed: Under some conditions the calculated line in the fit graph window was not extended to the graph's axis limits.
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