MTR Software
MTR Software is a leader in the scientific, engineering, and education communities with micro-computer based fitting solutions™.

FitAll™ is a nonlinear (& multi-linear) regression analysis (curve fitting) tool. It helps you extract meaningful results from your data.

Many say you must transform the model (equation) that describes your system so that it can be fit using linear regression analysis. With FitAll™ you can fit your data to the model that actually describes it, even if it is an implicit function.

MTR Software also provides value-added consulting services. This includes creating custom FitAll Function Libraries.

New in FitAll version 10 are Scripted Functions. They can be defined by filling out a simple form.

Scripted Functions:
Are single line function expressions;
Contain one independent variable, X;
Can contain up to ten (10) parameters,  P.
SiP™ is a Simple Inventory Program that helps you create inventories of the tangibles in your life, including your home and office.

SiP''s reports help you:
MTR Software is pleased to announce the purchase price of FitAll has been slashed by 67%.
Decide how much insurance you need;
Deal with insurance claims;
Help your Executor deal with your Estate.
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